KARACHI: Ayesha Omer, the host for the show starts off Episode 5 by giving an overview of the show so far. From the Top 8 Bands, 4 remain and now one band is to be eliminated in each respective episode. The bands are to compete for a spot in the finale where the fate of the Top 2 will be based on public vote.
The show starts with a guest performance by the dynamic Zeb Bangash performing Sureelay Samandar, the vibrant 90’s track by Nazia Hassan!
Band performances begin with each band doing covers of popular Pakistani tracks:
Jasim Haider and the Pindi Boys:
The boys mentioned how the competition has become much tougher now as only the TOP 4 remain. They experimented with a mellow track and transformed it into an upbeat version for their performance, a challenge on their part as well.
Pulling the crowd with their funk, the Pindi Boys performed “Yes, love by Dr. AurBilla.”
Fawad loved the use of harmonica and Meesha liked the choice of song, however the band received mixed reviews overall.
Badnaam pointed out that they had started to feel the pressure of being in the Top 4 as well. They chose the song “Sham-e-Qalander” a Kalam by Lal Shehbaz Qalander.
As usual, Badnaam captured the essence of the powerful track with an impactful performance.
Shahi appreciated the trance element in the rendition of the track, Meesha specified how the vocals were extremely fearless, Fawad advised them to explore the compositions a bit more.
Kashmir specified how being a part of the Top 4 served as a wake-up call for them, to step up their game further.
They performed Waqt, an original by E.P, where the vocalist, despite a sore throat pulled off a decent performance, coupled with the wild guitaring by Vais Khan.
While Kashmir is a favourite of both Fawad and Atif, they pointed out how the performance could be polished in certain areas.
A band to have appeared twice in the danger zone, feels that all bands are going to be tough competitors from now on since all of them are highly talented.
Their excitement and enthusiasm was evident in their performance, as they performed Mera Dil Nahi Available, by Vital Signs.
All the judges thoroughly enjoyed the explosive performance and feel that the music speaks for itself.
With the end of the performances, Roots and Badnaam were announced safe and the two bands to enter the danger zone included Kashmir and Jasim Haider and the Pindi Boys.
The judges decided to let the bands battle it out once more and give a final performance that would determine their stay in the show.
Jasim Haider and the Pindi Boys performed ‘Dil Mein Tum, by Bunny’ while Kashmir performed an original, Faislay to save themselves from elimination. Both bands have been a favourite of the judges but as per the rules of the competition one of them had to face elimination. Resultantly, Jasim and the Pindi Boys were eliminated, leaving the Top 3 behind to continue with their journey on the show.
Despite the elimination, the Pindi Boys were encouraged to continue making terrific music and to put out their album as soon as possible! News Desk