KARACHI: Mövenpick Hotel Karachi has always tried to emerge as a socially responsible entity by giving back to the area it operates in. The hotel has undertaken many activities previously as well to support key social causes especially related to education. The hotel recently took part in a global CSR campaign ‘Kilo of Kindness’ that comes under the CSR function of Mövenpick Hotels and Resorts, Shine which focuses on assistance of underprivilidged section of the society.
Mövenpick Hotel Karachi has been an ardent supporter of benefiting the area which is the reason of its business. The hotel set-up a donation facility where guests and the people visiting the hotel were encouraged to donate cash or learning supplies. The hotel kept a free scoop of Mövenpick ice cream as an incentive for the people to donate. The hotel also collected donations internally from its employees potraying the humantrian approach they exhibit. Some of the corporate partners i.e Ferozsons Laboratories, Adamjee Life and Bake Parlor took part in the initiative.
“We cannot rate how one social cause is more important than the other as they all are significant and require attention but we strongly feel that education is a driving force which can make futures and benefit the whole household“ said Mirza Mansoor, General Manager, Mövenpick Hotel Karachi. ‘‘Due to this, we take such initiatives annually to play our part in supporting students of underpriviliged backgrounds“, he concluded. News Desk