KARACHI: Greenstar Social Marketing (Greenstar), also known as ‘sabzsitara’, has launched three new medical products to promote a healthier lifestyleand improve on the maternal and child health, especially amongst marginalized communities.
‘Misoprostol’, a safe and effective choice in Post-Partum Haemorrhage (PPH) in both prophylaxis and treatment. This ultimately reduces maternal mortality and morbidity.
‘Ossein Mineral Complex + Vitamin D’ is a Calcium supplement that promotes bone formation mineralization, which is essential in the development of an intact strong skeleton.
‘Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3)’ is important to treat conditions in which calcium is not used properly by the body. This product is beneficial for individuals and breast-fed infants who lack exposure to sunlight.
Since 2006 GSM has successfully averted more than 9,246,419 unintended pregnancies, 153,572 child deaths, 1,557,398 abortions and 13,239 maternal deaths. The company has taken steps to put technology and power of choice into the hands of women that they serve and making this possible through a vast number of Sabzsitara clinics in the rural and urban areas.
Greenstar Social Marketing has been working for the betterment of the society since 1991, to improve the sexual and reproductive health of the country with the help of modern and quality products and family planning. News Desk