MAKLI: Members of Global Green, Heritage Foundation trustees, people interested in environment protection and Makli commune came together here yesterday to plant 100 saplings adopting the Miyawaki-style of plantation, at Heritage Foundation.
It was heartening to see the dedicated young and old alike planting various saplings like lemon, falsa, banana, morenga and much more, while braving the relentless heat of the day.
It may be noted that this was the tenth community forest planted under the GSP (Green Shelters Project), that has so far planted 3000+ trees and 600+ bushes. The other forests are all in the Makli heritage site area, and this was the first plantation of its kind done in Karachi. The Miyawaki style of planting trees close to one another ensures that trees achieve a phenomenal growth in two years that they would normally achieve in ten.The soil used to plant the trees was also prepared by the Makli commune. Hundred per cent organic, it is a special mix made by them which has proved to be extremely effective in the forests where it has been used. A number of participants were motivated to adopt this technique of plantation in other areas as well, which was one of the aims of this exercise undertaken at Heritage Foundation. Says in press release