KARACHI: At the 10th International Defense Exhibition and Seminar IDEAS 2018 in Karachi, Rohde & Schwarz will present some major solutions from its broad product portfolio. The leading German electronics group will showcase a variety of new and proven technology solutions from its different business fields.
Rohde & Schwarz will present its software defined l radios R&S SDxR in conjunction with innovative high data rate (HDR) waveforms. The open architecture following the software communications architecture (SCA) standard allows porting of third-party waveforms. The new R&S SDAR is the only software defined airborne radio on the market that also meets civil safety avionic standards, providing full independence for unrestricted joint civil-military operations. The tactical radio is especially designed for use in vehicles and allows minimum antenna spacing. The R&S SDHR brings the advantages and technical innovation of true software implementation into the handheld format. The R&S HDR waveform family supports mobile networking, which is required for network centric operations and automatic adaptation to network changes, thanks to the use of mobile ad hoc network protocols.
Rohde & Schwarz is also presenting the integrated communications system R&S NAVICS, the latest generation, IP-based communications system for internal and external naval communications. Rohde & Schwarz has decades of experience in naval communications. As a system integrator, Rohde & Schwarz offers a comprehensive suite of secure communications solutions for advanced naval applications. These solutions provide outstanding reliability to ensure information superiority in any type of scenario. With key focus on communality and serviceability, the system is scalable from small patrol boats up to large carrier-size vessels.
Another highlight is the ELINT solution from Rohde & Schwarz, an innovative radar signal collection and analysis system. Rohde & Schwarz offers a complete portfolio of radar signal collection and analysis products. The system features cutting-edge components, ensuring that it benefits from all the advantages associated with state-of-the-art lossless digital signal processing. It was designed to handle challenging signal scenarios, detects even weak and LPI signals, and is able to analyze multifunctional radars with complex signal structures. The software and hardware complement each other perfectly and provide the operator with a fully integrated solution for ELINT collection and analysis tasks.
Commercial drones can pose a security risk to air traffic and other areas in need of protection. To protect critical infrastructures against the threat of drones, Rohde & Schwarz offers the R&S ARDRONIS drone detection solution. R&S ARDRONIS quickly detects and locates these flying devices based on their remote control signals.
In addition, Rohde & Schwarz will present products from its continually growing test and measurement portfolio. Highlights include the powerful oscilloscopes from the T&M expert, which stand for an excellent signal fidelity, a high acquisition rate, an innovative trigger system and a clever user interface. Rohde & Schwarz has a wide range of oscilloscopes, from value class for service, maintenance and education to our top instruments for R&D or EMI debugging in the 600 MHz to 8 GHz class. Another attraction is the R&S FSW Signal and Spectrum Analyzer. With the R&S FSW, Rohde & Schwarz is the technology leader in signal and spectrum analyzers. Now, Rohde & Schwarz has completely enhanced this high-end analyzer family. All R&S FSW models with a maximum input frequency of 26.5 GHz and above are now available with a 2 GHz internal analysis bandwidth option and an 800 MHz bandwidth option for real-time analysis. Users will appreciate the new look and feel with a new operating concept and an SCPI recorder for remote controlled test sequences.
R&S will also showcase its comprehensive for Cybersecurity. Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity protects the IT infrastructure of companies and governments against espionage and cyberattacks. The company develops high-end encryption products, firewalls for business-critical web applications, cloud, desktop and mobile security solutions and next generation firewall solutions. Our award-winning IT security solutions range from compact off-the-shelf products to bespoke solutions for critical infrastructures, such as aerospace and defense industries.
Rohde & Schwarz will present its mentioned portfolio at IDEAS 2018 in Karachi from November 27 to 30, 2016, at Expo Center Karachi ( E 24, Hall 5). News Desk