KARACHI: “A handful of poorly chosen words can have a devastating impact on your business. It can cost you a fortunes or either it will destroy a hard-fought reputation in no time”.
Keeping this in mind Telenor Pakistan in collaboration with Mishal conducted a capacity building workshop on ‘reporting on Telecommunication’ at Mövenpick Hotel Karachi. This workshop had been organized keeping view the changing technology and communication trends and focuses on Art of Storytelling, Global Telecom Trends, Use of Digital Mediums and Converting information into Content. This workshop was conducted jointly by international trainers and local industry experts which included Mr. Tahir Dhindsa, Mr. Mubashir Zaidi and Mr. Parvez Iftikhar.
This knowledge development workshop was aimed for journalists reporting on telecommunications and this program is specially designed around the needs of today’s journalists. It combines international knowledge with best practices being followed in Pakistan and about challenges that are being faced in Pakistan.
Workshop took off by welcome remarks from Mr. Kamal Ahmed, Head of Corporate Affair Telenor Pakistan. followed by a session on ‘introduction to training and competition’ by one of the leading journalist of our country Mr. Mubashir Zaidi who is also very active on digital front. He also spoke on other topics like Art of Storytelling in Digital Age, Upcoming Digital Trends, Upcoming Digital Policy, An Editor’s mind, What an Editor Wants, Using Social Media Tools and Practical Approach to Create Social Media Content’.
Mr. Tahir Dhindsa shared his insights on ‘Reporting on the Telecommunication, Reporting on Beyond and on The Basics on Converting Information into Content. Mr. Parvez Iftikhar International ICT Consultant highlighted the ‘Challenges for Telecom Industry’.
Workshop on reporting on Telecommunication was wrapped-up by Mr. Mubashir Zaidi which included assessment of participants of the workshop. News Desk