KARACHI: Sajjad Foundation of USA and Singapore has partnered with BankIslami Pakistan Limited this year to send fourteen students from top universities of Pakistan to NUS Enterprise Summer Programme on Entrepreneurship in Singapore.
This two week summer program is taking place from 15th till 27th, July 2019 at National University of Singapore (NUS) in Singapore. It offers undergraduate students one of a kind opportunity to have an immersive experience of entrepreneurship by inspiring their entrepreneurial imagination and enhancing their entrepreneurial skills. Through an enriching combination of lectures, conversations with startups, ideation and pitching sessions as well as visits to business and government organization, it aims to provide students a comprehensive educational experience.
These 14 students have been selected from over 500 student applications received and are from Institute of Business Administration, Karachi, Lahore University of Management Sciences, Lahore School of Economics, Information Technology University, Lahore, Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar and Namal Institute, Mianwali.
Sajjad Foundation is the principal sponsor and has sent over 200 students in conjunction with other partners in the last ten years to this prestigious program. The Foundation is delighted with the opportunity to partner with BankIslami this year to continue this initiative. On the occasion of Orientation program before the students left for Singapore, Syed Amir Ali, President and CEO of BankIslami said that the mission of BankIslami is to create value for our stakeholders and everyone in the eco-system in which it operates. At BankIslami, we participate in initiatives that serve the community and have sustainable impact on the society. With this community service program, we wish to encourage and inspire our youth to innovate and become future tech & business leaders. In the end, he appreciated Sajjad Foundation efforts for successfully running this CSR program for past ten years. He also thanked Sajjad Foundation for choosing BankIslami as their partner for this extraordinary program this year. PR