Home Business & Finance JA INJAZ Pakistan – An agent of Women Economic Empowerment through Financial Literacy and Inclusion

JA INJAZ Pakistan – An agent of Women Economic Empowerment through Financial Literacy and Inclusion


A key area of focus for JA (INJAZ) Pakistan (WEE) Women Economic Empowerment. The core objective is to align with 10 Sustainable Development Goals 2030 (SDGs) out of 17,

1. No poverty, 2. Zero Hunger, 3. Good health and Well-being, 4. Gender Equality, 5. Clean Water and sanitation, 6. Decent work and economic growth, 7. Industry innovation and infrastructure, 8. Reduced inequalities, 9. Sustainable cities and communities, 10. Partnerships for the goals as these create access to social and economic opportunities paving way towards empowering Women in Pakistan.

To achieve these goals, JA (INJAZ) Pakistan works by mobilizing and inducting women from urban slums and rural communities and conducts trainings through experienced trainers in the field of entrepreneurship and job placements, which engages women in various socio-economic activities and prepare them to enter the mainstream economic ecosystem. These trainings are followed by mentorship and handholding activities leading to the formation of small medium enterprises (SME) or an up-gradation of already existing small ventures.

JA (INJAZ) Pakistan’s Financial Literacy Program enables these women, to get introduced to financial services and assistance subsequently enabling them to be better equipped in making progressive financial decisions, increase their household income, through savings, access to microfinance loans and future investments. This is also carried out through collaborations with The State Bank of Pakistan, aligning with its National Financial Literacy Program (NFLP) for building a dynamic and inclusive financial sector in order to support Pakistan’s economic growth in the 21st century. As part of their strategic target for 2020, SBP aims at a 50% increase in adults maintaining formal accounts, 25% increase in females having access to financial assistance and financial access points. 

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