News Desk
DUBAI: Mohammed bin Rashid School of Government (MBRSG) has staged the fourth station in the third edition of its ‘Future Trip’ programme. Themed ‘Future Governments,’ the activity was held with the aim of forging the leaders of the future and providing participants with expertise and hands-on experience relating to the latest government practices acrossa variety of fields, including innovation, Smart Cities, future forecasting and open data.
Bringing together first and second tier leaders from UAE government departments and the private sector, the fourth station in the programme featured a workshop and field trips to the Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Authority, the Sharjah Environment Company (Bee’ah) and the Sharjah Academy of Astronomy, Space Sciences & Technology (SAASST). The workshop and visits form part of the programme’s agenda to explore best practice in corporate excellence through collaborations with government and private sector entities.
Dr. Ali Sebaa Al Marri, Executive President of MBRSG, affirmed that the UAE has made numerous strides in developing the skills of government leaders, enabling the country to stay ahead of global changes and helping to ensure that it is on the right track to achieve its vision for its service and economic sectors.He said that the various stations in each Future Trip programme were aimed at formulating a shared vision centred on creating a transitional shift in the UAE government ecosystem and establishing a global model of government administration that will boost future growth.
“The Mohammed bin Rashid School of Government strives to imbue government leaders with the latest expertise to enhance their decision-making and planning abilities, as per scientific approaches that ensure optimal utilisation of resources and human assets. The Future Governments station aligns with this ambitious vision by familiarising participants with the latest international trends in government administration and public policy,”said Al Marri.
Featuring a three-day agenda, the Future Governments station kicked off its activities with a workshop titled ‘The Government of the Future’ and comprising a trio of sessions. The first discussed forecasting the UAE’s future by examining the forward-looking vision, strategies and plans of the government of the future;the second shed light on major future-changing trends, the National Agenda indicators, the UAE Strategy for the Fourth Industrial Revolution and ways of achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); and the third explored the challenges associated with government work and projected scenarios of the government of the future.
Day two of the station featured a field visit to Bee’ah, Middle East’s fastest-growing environmental management company. The excursion enabled participants to gain valuable insights into the company’s innovative solutions, such as its waste-to-energy operations, as well as learn about the company’s environmental awareness initiatives designed to promote a sustainable future.The second day also included a visit to SAASST, where participants explored prominent astronomical theories and enjoyed a tour of the Space Exhibition, including the 209-seat, seven-projector planetarium. The trip aimed to raise the participants’ awareness of the UAE’s latest innovations and achievements in space sciences and its aspiration to become a leader in the field, driven by the government’s belief in the importance of space research in shaping the country’s future. On the third day, the delegation visited the Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Authority and witnessed first-hand the key role it plays in developing a comprehensive national statistical system. The participants were able to see how the authority enhances the UAE’s ranking in global competitiveness indices and how it drives the country’s development by monitoring competitiveness performance in global reports, building an integrated national statistics framework and organising the UAE’s statistics and competitiveness sector. The visit also featured a brief on the government’s efforts to achieve its 2030 SDGs and provided visitors with information on the UAE’s leading position on a number of global rankings,highlighting its ambitious plans to further improve on these.