News Desk
DUBAI: The Heart of Europe – Dubai’s new island tourism destination where more than 1,200 people are living and working – has remained free from Coronavirus infection with zero Corona cases as the natural isolation and the stringent safety standards enforced by the Developer make it one of the safest places in the world.
While the Covid-19 outbreak has halted business activities onshore, the Heart of Europe islands are currently abuzz with activities where engineers, consultants and workers are putting extra efforts through an incentive scheme to speed up construction works – due to its offshore and safe location.

“Since they are located offshore and in isolation, islands usually remain free from such pandemics. The Heart of Europe is no exception, even when 1,200 people are working normally throughout the lockdown phase.In fact there is no sign of slowdown in the island and therefore no one is living and working in fear here,” Josef Kleindienst, Chairman of Kleindienst Group, says.
“All those visiting the islands are thoroughly checked for infection, fever or any other symptoms upon their arrival for work or meetings. Every resident undergo strict health checks by our resident physicians and para-medics to ensure they are all okay.
“Due to the Covid-19 crisis elsewhere, we are focusing on the construction and development activities, thus working extra hours. Our teams have speeded up works to finish projects on time. So, the Coronavirus might have slowed down business elsewhere, however it has the opposite effect in the Heart of Europe.”
Kleindienst Group, developer of The Heart of Europe – the US$5 billion (Dh18.3 billion) master-planned leisure tourism island destination – is coming to life with a number of the facilities and suites that include the world’s first underwater hotel suites getting ready to welcome local, regional and international tourists later this year.
A perfect island retreat, the Heart of Europe will become a must-visit destination for UAE residents and foreign tourists offering an array of water sports, entertainment and leisure activities as well as the most memorable authentic cultural and culinary experiences one could imagine without having to fly out of the UAE.
The Heart of Europe is part of the vision of Mr Josef Kleindienst who wanted to create an island destination where leisure tourists will stay and enjoy the best of European hospitality, culture, cuisine, entertainment, water sports and enjoy breath-taking views of underwater treasures, marine life sightings and the captivating underwater landscape without getting wet in the ocean. The passion for creating the unimagined experience drove him to travel and study underwater projects globally.
With sustainability at its core, the Heart of Europe will see the development of more than 500,000 square metres of coral reefs and will feature lush exotic gardens, hanging gardens as well as centenary Spanish olive trees that were sourced from Andalusia, a region in Spain’s southern coast, and the world’s first climate controlled rainy street and snow plaza.
The island is also committed to be totally car free, use clean energy and will eventually offer sustainable water transportation to the guests.