Home Blog A Story of Successful Women, meet Homemaker 2 Entrepreneur “Sumaira Imran”

A Story of Successful Women, meet Homemaker 2 Entrepreneur “Sumaira Imran”


I’m Sumaira Imran mother to 4 kids and a professional dessert chef running my well known home based bakery since last 4 years along with being a house wife. However, bringing myself here wasn’t a piece of cake at all, I had to overcome numerous obstacles. My story starts from when I developed this immense love for arts and creation with different colours and techniques. In addition to that I dreamt about being independent since childhood.

I always saw myself as self madebut belonging from a Memon family I was married at 18 and had my first child at 19. I even completed my BSC degree after marriage. After completion of my degree in applied arts my household chores burdened me and time passed, I was unable to carry my career further. Thought, in all these years I kept doing number of different courses.I’ve completed numerous courses like foil work, oil painting, sketches, silk dying, glass painting, bead work and much more in last couple of years. I made an art page where I sold quite a number of painting, but I never pursued it professionally and now the page remains inactive. Here’s the link to that page: https://www.facebook.com/Tripples-art-line-by-sumairaimran-192815587485535/

Fast forward to 2015, I took a fondant class without any intention of starting my own bakery, but fate played its role and now I run my full time home based bakery with a satisfied clientele. In the meantime, I took differ classes for polishing my skills and completed my diploma in baking and patisserie from COTHM Karachi. I’ve always had the pleasure of receiving content remarks from my valued clients. I deal in all types of cakes, cupcakes with speciality being detailed fondant cake. I look forward to expanding my business and serve my clients with the best of my service. Link to my bakery page is given below: https://www.facebook.com/SUMAIRAGHAZIAN/

All this up till now seems easy to achieve but let me tell you how much I struggled and how many obstacles I had to cross in order to see myself here. Firstly, from childhood I had dreams about being independent I wanted to be able to something but belonging from a Memon family I was married at 18 and at 19 I had my first child. I even completed my BSC after marriage thanks to the support of my husband. After completion of my BSC and with increasing burden of my household chores I was unable to go further in my career and time passed. After having 4 children I decided to again get a degree in my current field to improve my area of expertise and to my great disappointment people from my extended family would talk behind my back. Luckily there were a lot of people supporting me throughout but again there is always some demotivating factor and for me they were some irrelevant relatives. I just want to say, go for what you believe in. My family went through some financial crises and I knew I had to step forward for my children and support my family and husband, so I took a leap regardless of people around me talking. I believed me being a woman should never come in the way of supporting my family, I also possess the ability to stand strong when my family needs me, hence this belief ,support and motivation from my immediate family got me here, at this point where I can proudly say I played my role as a mother and a wife.  Just put a deaf ear to what people has to say, because all of us are aware nobody in this world is going to take your hand and pull your out of your dark pit, it’s you and only you who’s capable of doing so. All you need to do is let people say, and keep striving hard for what you want to achieve and don’t make excuses for the problems you face in your journey of achieving what you believe in.


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