Home Business & Finance Indian expat wins US$1 Million in Dubai Duty Free Millennium Millionaire Promotion

Indian expat wins US$1 Million in Dubai Duty Free Millennium Millionaire Promotion


An Indian expat based in the UAE was announced as the latest US$1 million winner in the Dubai Duty Free Millennium Millionaire and Finest Surprise promotions at the draw held in Concourse C of Dubai International Airport.

Mr. SarathKunnummal, became a dollar millionaire when his ticket number 4275 in Millennium Millionaire Series 351, which he purchased online on 2nd February, was drawn today.

Dubai Duty Free’s Executive Vice Chairman & CEO, Colm McLoughlin along with Ramesh Cidambi, COO, Salah Tahlak, Executive Vice President – Corporate Services and Sinead El Sibai, SVP – Marketing conducted the draw for Dubai Duty Free Millennium Millionaire promotion in Series 351

Mr. Kunnummalis unavailable for immediate comment, but will no doubt be surprised when he learns of his newfound fortune.

Today’s draws were conducted following social distancing by Dubai Duty Free’s Executive Vice Chairman & CEO, Colm McLoughlin, Chief Operating Officer, Ramesh Cidambi, Salah Tahlak, Executive Vice President – Corporate Services, Sinead El Sibai, SVP – Marketing, Bernard Creed, SVP – Finance, Mona Al Ali, SVP – Human Resources, Michael Schmidt, SVP – Retail Support and Sharon Beecham, VP – Purchasing.

Following the draw, a presentation was made to the previous Dubai Duty Free Millennium Millionaire.

The Dubai Duty Free executive team conducted the Dubai Duty Free Finest Surprise draw for a car and two motorbikes

Mr. Suraj Aneed, a 35 year old Indian national based in Abu Dhabi, who won the Millennium Millionaire Promotion in Series 350 with ticket number 4645 attended the presentation and witnessed the draw. Mr. Aneed thanked Dubai Duty Free for his lucky win and the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to witness today’s live draw.

Directly following the Millennium Millionaire presentation, a Dubai Duty Free Finest Surprise draw took place for one luxury car and two motorbikes.

Ms. Rhea Roopesh, a 17 year- old Indian national based in Abu Dhabi, won a BMW X6 M50i (Mineral White Metallic) car, with ticket number 1149 in Finest Surprise Series 1767, which her father purchased under her name online on 16th January.

A resident of Abu Dhabi for 7 years now, Ms. Roopeshis on twelfth grade in Abu Dhabi Indian School.

“This is completely unexpected, thank you so much Dubai Duty Free. My dad has been trying his luck for so many years and its feels amazing to finally win,” she said.

Mr. Erwin Speiser, a 53 year-oldAustrian national based inNeidling in Lower Austria, won a BMW F 900 XR (Racing Red) motorbike, with ticket number 0312 in Finest Surprise Series 442, which he purchased online 20th January.

Mr. Speiserwho happened to watch the live draw on Dubai Duty Free’s Facebook page, was excited to hear his name announced on the video.

A regular participant in Dubai Duty Free’s promotion since 2012, Mr. Speiser was surprised to win another motorbike from Dubai Duty Free as he also previously won a Ducati Hypermotard SP with ticket number 0356 in Finest Surprise Series 303 on 25th April 2017.

“It was always a great pleasure to win from Dubai Duty Free,” he said.

Mr. Sanyo Thomas, a 40 yea- old Indian national based in Abu Dhabi won an Aprilia Tuono Factory (Atomico Racer) motorbike, with ticket number 0488 in Finest Surprise Series 443, which he purchased online on 4th February.

A first-time participant in Dubai Duty Free’s promotion, Mr. Thomas is a resident of Abu Dhabi for 14 years now and works as an operations officer for GEMS United Indian School in Abu Dhabi.

“It’s unbelievable, I can’t say anything now. I’m just so happy and excited,” he said.

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