News Desk
CEBO Management Company has visited Sarim Burney Trust on this World Children’s Day to celebrate this occasion with the kids on 20 Nov 2021. Chef Samia Jamil and CEBO Team arrange This program has been held under the wing of CEBO Choti Si Naiki.
As we all know that children are the best creation of ALLAH SWT and they spread joy in every season. This children’s day, we thought to make it special for the kids who don’t have their families with them so we planned to visit Sarim Burney Shelter under the observation of MRS Aliya Sarim Burney and made sure to felt every child special.
Tean CEBO would like to thank all the sponsors, majorly Canbabe and Meji. We appreciate our members as well who had donated money, toys, stationary and much more.