Home Business & Finance Union Coop for People of Determination: One of the Best Workplaces

Union Coop for People of Determination: One of the Best Workplaces


Union Coop, the largest consumer cooperative in the UAE, confirmed that it has created an appropriate work environment for ‘people of determination’ employees, who are making great efforts to overcome life’s challenges. The cooperative takes initiative to attract, integrate and empower them to perform their work to the fullest potential.

Union Coop points out that it has employed several many of ‘People of determination’ in its departments, branches and commercial centers in different regions of the Emirate of Dubai. The cooperative further mentions that the employees have had big contributions at work and a distinguished impact by their diligence and determination to perform their jobs to the fullest after the training and probation period. All of this was possible due to the sustainable work environment for the people of determination employees of Union Coop, indicating that the integration of the people of determination in its workplace is a priority in its national economic path.

In detail, Mr. AHMAD BIN KENAID AL FALASI, Human Resources & Emiratization Director, Union Coop stressed that ‘strong will’ makes the impossible ‘possible’ and drives the individual to face challenges and achieve his goals. Seeking a new job opportunity may not be difficult for a normal individual, but it might be difficult for the category of people of determination, and this is due to the nature of the vacant job. He indicates that the cooperative over the years has been able to create administrative jobs for people of determination, based on its plan to empower people of determination in various fields in response to the directives of the wise leadership of the country in line with the futuristic plans of the United Arab Emirates. Moreover, making them an integral part of the human cadre by providing them with job opportunities and overcoming the difficulties they face, in addition to providing all the needs and means that enable them to serve society and the country, through an appropriate and integrated work environment.

“Some Emirati people of determination joined the cooperative more than 10 years ago”

He added that some Emirati people of determination joined the cooperative more than 10 years ago, after which the cooperative launched a list of conditions to create a qualified environment for the employment of people of determination and developed strategies to attract them and integrate them into administrative jobs, as it was keen to offer jobs for them over the past years and developed plans to attract more of them in the coming years in line with the UAE Centennial 2071 vision and the Nafis program launched by the wise leadership in the country during September 2021.

Moreover, he indicated that the Emirati people of determination who joined Union Coop have enhanced their skills to empower their capabilities, as the cooperative provided several training courses to develop their skills and help them become productive which will help them achieve the goals of the organization and leave a positive imprint in the community.

He pointed out that working in the private sector represents a valuable opportunity for people of determination and ambitious youth as it helps them achieve self-realization and obtain a suitable monthly income that is sufficient to meet their personal needs and enables them to live a decent life.

Al Falasi indicated that the cooperative is keen to provide all means of support and assistance to the category of people of determination among its employees, as they are part of the work system, pointing out that the cooperative launched many community initiatives that it implemented in support of the category of people of determination, whether employees or customers, including facilities designed specifically for them per the best international requirements in all branches, commercial centers and its buildings and in the services it provides for this category.

He pointed out that the cooperative has adopted several training courses and programs to support people of determination and integrate them into society, as events and activities were organized specifically for them, to develop their skills and capabilities.

In addition, he indicated that the cooperative discovered that the people of determination who work under its umbrella love sports and participate in tournaments, as it supported them to participate in local and international tournaments by providing all the necessary facilities for their work, as they were won in these competitions various medals “gold, silver and bronze”, all of which motivated them to complete their social and practical journey and win people’s love.

The HR&E Director called on young people to improve their skills and abilities and to search for job opportunities in the private sector to achieve their future goals and start establishing their lives and advancing their countries by engaging in the labor markets and working in private entities and breaking the barrier of fear and insistence on continuing and overcoming all challenges to prove themselves in this vital sector.

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