The Consul General of Italy, Mr. H.E. Danilo Giurdanella, visited the children’s Emergency Rooms (ERs) of Dr. Ruth Pfau Civil Hospital and NICH in Karachi. Both the ERs have been modernized to meet international emergency care protocols by ChildLife Foundation, which continues to manage them. To date, more than 4 million children have received free-of-cost emergency treatment at ChildLife’s 11 children’s ERs across Pakistan.

Mr. Sohail Tabba, a founding trustee of ChildLife, welcomed the Consul General to the facility. He said, “We are grateful to Mr. Giurdanella for visiting the children’s Emergency Rooms in two of Karachi’s leading hospitals. His support has reaffirmed our mission of achieving a child-safe Pakistan.”

Mr. Tabba and Dr. Ahson Rabbani, CEO ChildLife Foundation, led the tour of the ER, where Mr. Giurdanella was shown the emergency triage system implemented to expedite medical care for children in critical condition. He also observed ChildLife’s Telemedicine Control Room in Civil Hospital, which is connected to 56 hospitals in rural Pakistan as well as all 11 ChildLife ERs in the country via technology. This was followed by a tour of the ER in NICH. Dr. Rabbani also gave a presentation on Childlife’s history and milestones to the guest. Mr. Giurdanella expressed satisfaction at the quality of care offered by ChildLife. He said, “I have seen many hospitals but this [ChildLife] is the center of excellence.” He particularly commended the paperless model and the technology-based telemedicine network that helps save children not just in cities but also the remote regions of Pakistan.