Home Business & Finance H.E. Danilo Giurdanella receives 27th edition of the Ragusani nel Mondo Prize in Italy

H.E. Danilo Giurdanella receives 27th edition of the Ragusani nel Mondo Prize in Italy


The 27th edition of the Ragusani nel Mondo Prize was received by the award winners on Saturday 30th June, 2022 08.00 pm at the Piazza Libertà in Ragusa. Among the three exceptional prize winners also included the Consul General of Italy in Karachi, H.E. Danilo Giurdanella.

Mr. Giurdanella was born in Ragusa, Italy in 1980. He graduated with honors in International Law from the Academy of International Law in the Hague, and in the field of European Law at the College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium. He went on to work for the European Commission from 2009-2014 handling ITC competition policies and transport. From then onwards, he officially took part in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Italy, dealing with the promotion and protection of Human Rights. From 2016 to 2020, he was appointed as the Deputy Head of Mission at the Embassy of Italy in Yaoundé, Cameroon.

From September 2018, he has been serving as the Consul General of Italy in Karachi. Mr. Giurdanella aims to promote bilateral relations between Italy and Pakistan. He oversees relations with the local government in political, economic, commercial, social and cultural terms. He is married to Mrs. Antonella Bartolomucci, speaks five languages and is passionate about International Relations and Literature.

He received the prestigious award of “Ragusani nel Mondo” together with the judge of the Constitutional Court Mr. Angelo Buscema and the Clinical Researcher, Mr. Maurizio Voi. This award signifies the efforts, passion and the sacrifices that Mr. Giurdanella made and managed to achieve this esteemed role at such a young age.


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