Home Business & Finance National Alliance for Safe Food & Pakistan Dairy Association at Lahore celebrates World Food Day

National Alliance for Safe Food & Pakistan Dairy Association at Lahore celebrates World Food Day


World Food Day is celebrated across the globe on 16 October. This Year World Food Day theme is “Leaves No One Behind” In celebration of World Food Day, Pakistan Dairy Association in collaboration with the National Alliance for Safe Food are conducting a Seminar on Food Safety Matters: Leave No One Behind on 15th October, 2022 Lahore, Pakistan.

Collective action across 150 countries worldwide is what makes World Food Day one of the most celebrated UN days. Hundreds of events and outreach activities bring together governments, businesses, the media, the public, even youth. They promote worldwide awareness and action for those who suffer from hunger and for the need to ensure healthy diets for all, leaving no one behind. Pakistan is one of the fastest growing populations in the world. Fulfillment of nutritional requirements of such a huge population is a challenge in itself. In the 2021 Global Hunger Index, Pakistan ranked 92nd out of the 116 countries. Pakistan is a country with alarmingly high under-nutrition rates. World Food Day is an excellent opportunity to gather around and discuss challenges of food safety and security as well as find solutions to the challenges for a better, healthier future.

The National Alliance for Safe Food (NAFS) is a leading organization and Pakistan’s largest Food Professionals network striving for safe & nutritious food production and consumption for betterment of human society by training and educating consumers and manufacturers. Annually, NAFS Pakistan celebrates the World Food Day campaign with the support of Development Organizations, Academic Institutes, Food Regulatory Authorities, Chambers of Commerce, Civil Society Organizations and Food Industries. It provides a platform to bring attention to the importance of Dairy industry, business opportunities, nutrition, food safety & human health and sustainable management of food resources.

Pakistan Dairy Association (PDA), is the representative body of forward looking dairy farmers and milk processors of the country. More than 90% of the packaged dairy products sold in Pakistan are produced by PDA members. In addition to delivering safe and healthy dairy products to the consumers, PDA members are the only private sector companies assisting the dairy farmers to improve quality and quantity of milk produced while providing them access to the market through a structured supply chain. Moreover, PDA provides a forum to dairy sector and allied agro fields, professionals as well as farmers, for the determination of knowledge and ideas in Research & Development, production, processing and marketing. It works to establish strong backward & forward linkages amongst the stakeholders in private as well as public sector and livestock farmers.

The aforementioned seminar was be attended by foreign missions of all countries in Lahore, Federal and Provincial Secretaries, Regulatory Bodies, Food Industry Leaders, Food Regulatory Experts, Prominent Businessmen, Policy makers, INGO’s, Food Professionals and Food & Dairy Industry Service Providers. Furthermore, Seminar will host Guest speakers from various academia & research institutes to discuss the challenges, opportunities and innovations regarding food safety. The Chief Guest of National Seminar was Sardar Husnain Bahadur Dreshak, Minster Food Punjab and other Guest of Honor, speakers and panelists includes Secretary Livestock Govt of Punjab Muhammad Malik Bhulla, Dr. Talat Pasha VC University of Education, Farah Naz, Country Director GAIN, Hamed K Latif, CEO TTI Labs, Dr. Shahzad Ameen, CEO Pakistan Dairy Association, Dr. Hafiz Rehan Nadeem President National Alliance for Safe Food, Mr. Yasin Akhtar Director PSQCA, Mr. Rao Imran Head of Rgulatory/Quality & Innovations Tetra Foods, Mr. Awais Bin Qasim MD Tetrapack, Mr. Mian Mitha Manager Regulatory Affairs Nestle Pakistan, Dr. Shinawar Waseem Ali Chairman Food Science Department Punjab University and Mr. Awais Ali Vice President National Alliance for Safe Food. The National Seminar will be attended by Head of Food Department from Different Universities, Food Industry Professionals, Senior Food Scientists and Nutrition Experts along with the Civil Society and Media Activist.

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