Home News German Deputy Head visits Karachi Press Club

German Deputy Head visits Karachi Press Club


KARACHI: The Deputy Head of the Consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany in Karachi, His Excellency Andreas Wegner, honoured the Karachi Press Club (KPC) on Thursday with a visit to discuss matters of mutual interest such as climate change, the freedom of the press, etc.

It was His Excellency Wegner’s first visit to KPC and he felt quite impressed to see the heritage building of the oldest press club of the country established in Pakistan in 1958. He was also glad to meet with the senior editors and reporters of different media houses. He spoke about changing times in the media all over the world where journalists and media houses have to face many pressures including curbs.

He said that freedom of press is a part of Germany’s constitution where you have the right to express yourself in the framework of the law. “It is the duty of the press to inform and educate but the press also needs to be financed in order to survive,” he said.

“Journalists worldwide are in a position to keep their independence and be financed at the same time,” he said.

“So speaking in the context of climate change, it is the duty of the press to make clear the issues. But then there are also campaigns these days that are being financed and supported by the fossil industry, which rejects climate change,” he said.

He pointed out that in today’s world, the cement industry and the shipping industry are the biggest contributors of carbon dioxide emissions. “Therefore, there is a need for research to substitute cement with components from recycled materials,” he said.

Speaking about the recent devastating floods in Pakistan, he said that even though this country may not have been a contributor in climate change but the floods here were man-made. “The rain was not totally unusual but the flooding here was unusual. And it happened due to shallow Indus River,” he said.

“It just could no longer provide room for the big quantities of water. When it could not flow it spread sideways. And this was due to no de-silting of the river in the last 25 years,” he pointed out.

Aisha Qayyum of the German Consulate educated about exchange programmes for journalists.

Earlier, the KPC President Saeed Sarbazi briefed the diplomat about the KPC and its history of being the oldest press club of the country with over 1,800 members including the largest number of women journalists. He also informed about the club’s work in offering a platform to journalists, activists and politicians to speak their minds. In fact, it is akin to the Hyde Park of London.

The KPC Secretary Shoaib Ahmed also informed about various training and capacity building programmes offered by the club to journalists.

Layer, the Deputy Head of the German Consulate was taken around on a tour of the KPC where he was shown various sections of the club including its library, IT Lab, media studio.

The guests were also presented with KPC momentos including a beautiful shield and the traditional ajrak.


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