Home Business & Finance Consular Corps Karachi hosts farewell reception to Consul General of Japan

Consular Corps Karachi hosts farewell reception to Consul General of Japan


DUBAI/KARACHI: On November 7, 2023, H.E. Dr. June Kuncoro Hadiningrat, the Consul General of Indonesia, who also serves as the Dean of Consular Corps in Karachi, has gathered together Consul Generals of Foreign Mission in Karachi, at his Residence to bid a heartfelt farewell to His Excellency Odagiri Toshio, the Consul General of Japan.

The event was attended by Consul Generals of Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Iran, Japan, South Korea, Kuwait, Malaysia, Oman, Qatar, United Arab Emirates (UAE), France, Russia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, China, and Turkey.

The event was also a celebration of the honorary doctorate conferred upon H.E. Bakheet Ateeq, Consul General of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and H.E. Eng. Sami Abdullah Salim Al Khanjari, the Consul General of the Sultanate of Oman.

In addition to expressing gratitude for the diplomatic contributions of departing Consul General Odagiri Toshio, the Consul General of Indonesia extended a warm welcome to His Excellency Abdullah Muqed AlMutairi, Consul General of Saudi Arabia, and His Excellency Nayef Shahein R.M. Alsulaiti, Consul General of Qatar.

During this significant event, H.E. Dr. June Kuncoro Hadiningrat, as the Dean of the Diplomatic Corps, along with other CGs presented a farewell gift, namely a painting of a corner of Saddar market to Consul General of Japan, H. E. Odagiri Toshio. H.E. Toshio has been given a new assignment as Ambassador of Japan in Africa.

As the event concluded, Consul General Dr. June Kuncoro Hadiningrat expressed, “Members of the Consular Corps, we have the unique privilege and responsibility of fostering international relationships, building bridges of understanding, and promoting peaceful coexistence, not only between our respective country with Pakistan, but also, among nations.

Members of the Consular Corps in Karachi highly appreciated the initiative taken by H. E. Dr. June Kuncoro as Dean of the Consular Corps for the event and his role as a bridge builder for all for this will lead the diplomatic community in Karachi to be more active in maintaining and strengthening international bonds during the recently dynamic global configuration.


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