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DUBAI: Emirates Environmental Group (EEG) and Abu Kos (Rainbow) a Brand of FrieslandCampina have signed a partnership agreement whereby EEG conducts a series of comprehensive workshops to school students to implement a number of awareness workshops about Tin Cans segregation and recycling , with the aim of reducing the amount of waste that ends up in landfills, as well as empowering and building students’ capabilities to deal with environmental issues in a responsible and scientific way.
Under this agreement, the two entities began to work together at the beginning of the 2023-2024 academic year, EEG has managed to complete interactive workshops on February 20th, 2024 in 7 different schools across the UAE. This allingment was particularly beneficial to translate the decleration of the President of UAE HH Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Announcing 2023 as the Year of Sustainability, which has now officially been extended to cover 2024. The workshops are focused on delivering the right information about the natural sources that go into the manufacturing of Tin Cans and how these resourses are limited , as well as the importance of dealing with them in a responsible manner.
The workshops addressed the life cycle of Tin Cans products and the most important raw materials that are used in the industry and the environmental consequences of improper disposal.The workshops also addressed the differences between the stages of recycling and upsycling. and the how the recycling process is exctremly useful in reducing the amount of CO2 emissions that we produce as a result of manufacturing these Cans on our planet.
This partnership between EEG and Rainbow aimed at promoting a holistic understanding of sustainable practices by engaging students in informative yet practical sessions that explore the differences between recycling and upcycling. The workshops were meticulously designed to empower students with the knowledge and right skills to make informed choices that help contribute to a greener and more sustainable future.
Ms. Habiba Al Mar’ashi, Co-Founder and Chairperson of Emirates Environmental Group, expressed her appreciation to Abu Kos (Rainbow) for their support and how these type of partnerships across the sectors can have a great impact and significance of both educating and engaging the younger generation about environmental protection and preservation. She stated, “By instilling the values of sustainability in our youth, we are nurturing a generation of responsible global citizens who understand the importance of protecting our planet’s resources.” She also said: “The collaboration recorded a healthy participation of students and teachers, indicating a high level of interest and enthusiasm among the students for understanding and implementing sustainable practices”.
Commenting on the initiative, Ali Ahmed Khan, Vice President, Middle East, North Africa and Pakistan, FrieslandCampina said: “The UAE has evolved as a nation of opportunity for sustainability. There is no better time than now and no better place than this region to build the next generation of sustainability ambassadors. We are grateful to have found unwavering support in our stakeholders and partners from the private and public sector including the Ministry of Climate Change and Emirates Environmental Group. Our goal is to not only reduce single-use waste but also foster continuous engagement through educational workshops.”
Recycling, the well-known process of converting waste into new products, was explored alongside upcycling, which involves creatively repurposing materials to give them a new and often more valuable life. The workshops also emphasized the importance of reusing, encouraging students to extend the lifespan of items by utilising them in different ways and advocating for the minimisation of waste generation from the source. Abu Kos (Rainbow) Brand of FrieslandCampina, recognised for its commitment to environmental stewardship, played a crucial role in highlighting the significance of incorporating sustainable practices into everyday life. The partnership aimed to inspire students to become conscientious consumers and champions of responsible waste management.
The interactive workshops facilitated by EEG in-house experts provided 1,807 students & teachers with hands-on experience, allowing them to practice the principles of recycling and upcycling. Through creative projects and engaging discussions, they were encouraged to think critically about the impact of their choices on the environment.
Emirates Environmental Group and Abu Kos (Rainbow) Brand of FrieslandCampina are committed to fostering a culture of environmental responsibility and empowering the youth to make informed choices that contribute to a more sustainable and eco-friendly future.