By Rafiq Vayani
DUBAI/KARACHI: Rotary of Club of Karachi New Central held its District Governor’s Official Visit of the year here earlier today. It was a well-attended event by Rotary dignitaries and the corporate world.
The evening started with tilawat and national anthem after which the emcee, Shehzad Abdullah welcomed everyone and invited the president of the club, Shanaz Ramzi to address the guests. Ramzi spoke of her club’s achievements during her tenure and the milestones achieved. She then took the guests through a presentation of over 80 slides encompassing all the service projects completed in the year.
Assistant Governor Pervaiz Haroon Madraswala then introduced the District Governor, Hanif Khan. Khan shared his year’s accomplishments and targets met, and appreciated the president, Shanaz Ramzi and her club’s long list of achievements.
Certificates of Appreciation were presented to the two most pro-active members of the club – the general secretary, Dr Arjumand, and the public chair, Maliha Noor. Mementos and bouquets were presented to the DG and his wife, the AG, and DAG. Vote of Thanks was offered by GS Dr Arjumand Rabbani after which group photos took place.