Home Business & Finance Muhammd Noman Saigal hosts dinner in honour of Consul General of Korea

Muhammd Noman Saigal hosts dinner in honour of Consul General of Korea


Muhammd Noman Saigal Convener On Horticultural Standing committee FPCCI and Former Mininster Government of Sind Hosted a dinner in the Honour of the Consul General of Korea His Excellency Mr Yi Sung Ho at Karachi Gymkhana Club on Thursday 27 th June 2024.

The Korean Consul General was invited by Mr Rehan Hashmi former MNA and Chairman District Central Karachi . Mr Shahid Jawed the Convener of Standing Committee on Telecommunication and President Pak- Malaysia Friendship was also present at the dinner.

They share the bilateral relations with both countries and discuss the business prospects between the two countries . They also discuss to start the concept of twin city in IT and health etc . Like Karachi Seoul.

The idea is technology transfer in the field of Horticulture to improve plantation in Pakistan.

The Honorable Consul General was delighted to be in Karachi . Mr Saigal shared his memories of Korea when he went in 2005 as a minster.

The dinner meeting lasted for over 2 hours many new ideas were shared to gain improvement in the said field of Horticulture.

They planned regular meetings and invited the Korean Consul General to Federation House in the fourth coming meetings . The Consul General showed interest and committed to do more for the cause.

Mr Rehan Hashmi also discussed various projects related to environment to improve the situation . Mr Shahid discussed and supported the ideas of joint venture projects.

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