Home Business & Finance Rotary International for the world without plastic bottles

Rotary International for the world without plastic bottles


Rotary International is the globally largest charity organisation with over 0.5 bio USD donated per year, including its partners with over 1 bio USD. Besides helping all in need of help as much as we only can we Rotarians are moving to proactive positions, to identifying the global challenges of humanity and addressing them by impacting decison makers proactively to prevent wrong decisons and by providing an example.

As humankind, we are on one hand infront of until recently unimaginable break-throughs and achievements, fueled by digital technologies. We used to say that only the sky is the limit. Now, even the sky is not the limit any more. On the other hand we are at the same time on the verge of extinction, self-destruction.

It is not only about the brutal war in Europe, it is about climate change and decarbonisation, where we are risking the point of no return, and it is also about destroying the planet and our health with enormous amounts of waste plastics, which decomposes hundreds of years and destroys the planet, its habitat and our health. It is about urgently required deplastification, here and now.

We, humankind, throw away 1 mio tonnes of waste plastics per day, equaling to 50.000 of 20 tons trucks per day, and rising. 20 % of all of that are plastic bottles for water and for other bevarages for one time use. And it is us that are creating this day in and day out.

Changing the world starts with changing ourselves and our attitude, our habbits.

»My name is Iztok Seljak, I am a Rotarian and I was an addict on using plastic bottles for drinking water. I have used average 4 plastic bottles per day before. But I have now changed. Because plastic is not fantastic. Since 2 years now I am clean and am strictly just drinking water from glassyclasy. I am saving 4 plastic bottles/day and close to 1.600/year. Myself only. As we have reached our first 12.000 users in Slovenia with glassyclassy.eco, we are saving 18 mio plastic bottles/year and we have reduced the Slovenian microplastic bottles footprint by 10 %. And we are only at the start. Now we are after saving the world.«

Rotary is now adding the possibility of individualizying glassyclassy, so that you can configure your own glassyclassy on-line, with your name on it, your company logo or the related quotes you like most. Rotary is making it digital and smart. Individuals, families, friends, companies, institutions and governments are joining us in the quest for a sustainable future for us all.

Glassyclassy is about saving the environment, protecting our health, developing our local economies and supporting charity projects. Glassyclassy is not just and ordinary glass bottle. It is an initiative for a better world, a movement, a life-style, it is a state of mind and a global statement. Our joint statement, that we are starting to change the world by changing ourselves and actively inviting others to join us. Join us! Now in Slovenia, soon in Croatia, Austria, United Arab Emirates and the rest of the world.

[email protected]

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