Jeshco Marine Services LLC located in Fujairah, United Arab Emirates specializes in off-shore tank-cleaning and marine-engineering. Jeshco is a preferred provider of offshore tank cleaning services in the United Arab Emirates.
Last week Jeshco Marine Services LLC partnered with China Oil HBP Science & Technology Corporation Limited to provide robotic-tank-cleaning and blasting-services to the UAE’s marine sector for the first time.
His Majesty Sheikh Abdullah Bin Hamad Saif Alsharqi, Chairman of Jeshco Marine Services LLC signed the joint venture agreement with their Chinese partner China Oil HBP yesterday at a press conference held here in Fujairah.
This has the primary benefit of introducing significantly more-efficient, less time-consuming and eventually cost-saving technologies to the market. The team intends to grow beyond United Arab Emirates, including into Saudi Arabia and Oman.