Home Business & Finance Shell Helix paints 300 speed breakers as a part of its Drive on Pakistan campaign

Shell Helix paints 300 speed breakers as a part of its Drive on Pakistan campaign


KARACHI: Shell Helix, fully synthetic motor oil – Shell’s most advanced formulation for high-performance engines launched its Drive on Pakistan campaign in February with the objective of creating a safety mindset amongst the citizens of Pakistan,to transform their driving experience and make the roads safer.

Through this campaign, 1.2 million citizens pledged to different safety behaviors on the road and took responsibility for their driving to improve overall roads standards in Pakistan. This includes important and life-saving habits like wearing a seat belt, adhering to traffic laws, reduce speeding near schools, not using mobile phones while driving, ensuring infants are strapped in car seats and valuing safety above all other commitments while behind the wheel.

To reduce the risk of accidents or damage to vehicles,300 speed breakers were painted in various cities of Pakistan to enhance the visibility of these speed bumps.

Shell collaborated with renowned celebrities, organizations and local traffic police across multiple cities to drive adherence to traffic laws. 4,500 school children were engaged on Road Safety rules to help inculcate these behaviors in the drivers of tomorrow.

Shell also recognizes that today’s vehicles need a motor oil that keeps pace with their changing demands and does more to improve performance and engine life. Shell Helix with its cutting-edge technology also introduced two new variants of its premium plus portfolio Helix Ultra 5W-20 and Helix 0W-20 that will be available pan-Pakistan across all distribution channels.

Shell is recognized as the world leader in lubricant technology with its unrivalled investment in lubricant R&D and experience that extends over 100 years. With 350 lubricant research specialists working in six laboratories around the world specialists in base oils, additives metallurgy, chemistry and fuels are brought together to develop optimum blends. Whether for a Ferrari Formula One racing car or a family car, Shell Helix Technology helps to keep the engine running as the designers intended-at maximum efficiency.

At the event, Business Manager Lubricants, Shell Pakistan Limited, Haroon Rashid shared “These products are blended with Shell’s patent technology PUREPLUS base oil and is geared towards providing fuel efficiency with lower carbon emissions with active cleansing agents that clean your engine while you drive.” News Desk

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