Home News Chinese Ambassador delivers an insightful talk on “How the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee will Benefit Pakistan and Sino-Pak Relations”

Chinese Ambassador delivers an insightful talk on “How the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee will Benefit Pakistan and Sino-Pak Relations”


The Karachi Council on Foreign Relations (KCFR) recently hosted a significant event featuring the People’s Republic of China’s ambassador to Pakistan, H.E. Jiang Zaidong. The ambassador delivered an insightful talk on “How the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee will Benefit Pakistan and Sino-Pak Relations.” The interactive session underscored key aspects of the longstanding and strategic relationship between Pakistan and China.

In her welcome address, the Chairperson of the Karachi Council on Foreign Relations (KCFR), Madam Nadira Panjwani, set the tone for the event by introducing the topic and emphasizing its significance. She underscored the importance of maintaining a strong and enduring relationship with China, highlighting that Pakistan’s future prosperity and stability are closely tied to this strategic partnership.

Madam Panjwani stressed the need for collaboration across various fields, including trade, technology, infrastructure, and security, in order to fully capitalize on the opportunities this alliance presents. She also reiterated that, given the shifting global landscape, it is crucial for Pakistan to further strengthen its ties with China to secure long-term benefits for both nations.

Ambassador Zaidong emphasized how decisions made at the Plenary Session will open new avenues for bilateral cooperation in areas such as trade, infrastructure development, technology, and security. He also highlighted the importance of continuing mutual efforts for regional stability and growth.

The session allowed for meaningful engagement, with participants discussing future strategies to strengthen ties, particularly through the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and other collaborative projects. The event served as a platform for shaping forward-thinking approaches to further solidify this vital relationship.

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